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The Building Design And Context
Visualisation of the new building that will provide a new home to the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. Image by HLM Architects.
Currently under construction at Little France on the outskirts of the city of Edinburgh, this major new hospital building will be shared by two distinct acute services, the Department of Clinical Neuroscience (DCN) and the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (RHCYP). In addition, it will also include a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Department with its own unique needs.
All three services have strong identities and proud histories. Maintaining the sense of individuality whilst ensuring efficient use of shared services is central to the design of the building.
Architectural solutions and design are very important when creating a complex or a building, because we are talking not only about the practical purpose, but also about the aesthetic component, which speaks for the cultural base of our society. If you want to involve your ideas for our or other projects, contact the professional letter writing service and send your CV.
There are common themes relevant to the building for both groups of patients:
each will have its own identity within an integrated clinical facility, providing appropriate, discrete environments for all patients, both children & young people and adult patients, each with their own clear visual, and spatial identity.
60% of the 233 beds are ensuite rooms so providing privacy and supporting infection control.
the building will be spacious, light, colourful and comforting and not feel like an institution
patients will be at the centre of the new hospital and all processes within it
the building design supports families as they care for their children/young people and adults in their healing process
patient pathways for both patient groups are separate wherever possible
physical and mental health facilities are on the same site
The building designers HLM Architects are working closely with Ginkgo Projects and the projects teams to explore ways of enriching the patient experience which will be explored in future posts.
For more information on the new hospital building, please click here.