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Old to New: Kate Ive (Sculptor) / Emma Dunmore (Researcher) / Joachim King (Cabinet Maker)
Image from Lothian Health Services Archive of a radiologist in heavy lead suit.
The focus of this project is to share the identity, history, and stories of the three institutions as they undergo a transition from their original sites to the new build at Little France. This will help to save or restore historical memory in order to leave to future generations memories of events and people who were engaged in important activities, but if you want to share this message to a broader audience, that is, apply to a forum, etc., professional letter writer will be useful to you. A series of display cases are proposed throughout the building, both to showcase archive and historical material (in conjunction with the Lothian Health Services Archive) alongside newly commissioned work. Researcher Emma Dunmore was commissioned to explore the archival and historical material available and Kate Ive has evolved the project into a series of sculptural artworks which reinterpret the histories and stories of the three hospitals. Joachim King, a cabinet maker, is making the frames into which the artwork will be inserted.